Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top Five Darkwing Duck Villains!

Bushroot's Science by SalmaRU
5. Bushroot.
He was more a misunderstood weirdo than an actual criminal, all of his solo crimes were about freeing plants. Now you’re thinking, “Wait a minute, Matt, Megavolt’s crimes were about liberating light bulbs and you thinks he’s lame.” So is Bushroot. But there are two reasons why Bushroot is less lame than Megavolt. First, not one, but two of his episodes had references to the Far Side, a comic strip that I was completely obsessed with at the time. Second, he made a freaking Vampire Potato Monster!!!!

“Hank, get the diesel fuel.”

Tuskernini by Hornstromp
4. Tuskernini
“Ok, Matt, what the heck!?! First Bushroot, then the one-joke character Tuskernini?” Sure, Tuskernini seems like a Friday Afternoon Idea, a drama-king director who commits film related crimes. But he came up with the best evil plot ever, dressing like the other criminals around town and committing crimes. Brilliant.

Danger Danger by Roaming Tigress
3. Steelbeak.
The first one on my list that you will probably agree with me on. Darkwing Duck was originally conceived as a spy show and Steelbeak is a throwback to that time. Suave and debonair, he is the perfect Fleming-esque villain of the series. He should have beaten Darkwing on pure style alone.

2. Negaduck
Evil versions of heroes make great villains. They have the same strengths and know the weaknesses of the hero. Negaduck ruled his own dimension and managed to forge Quackerjack, Megavolt, Bushroot and the Liquidator into an actual threat. He even taunts D.W. by planting crumbs from the biscuits of a certain restaurant at the scene of the crime, so Darkwing would be able to locate Negaduck’s secret lair. He know that Darkwing would be consumed by the smallest details and not notice the giant Negaduck flag he flew.

OUT - Bulba by Frothing Lizard
1. Taurus Bulba.
Darkwing’s first villain and his best. Taurus Bulba was a criminal genius who planned his evil endeavors from jail.  He eventually escaped, by turning the jail into a flying fortress. When Darkwing began to squeeze his plans, Bulba realizes DW’s weakness is his ego, and flashes a willingness to surrender in Morse Code. An underling asks, “What if Darkwing doesn’t know Morse Code?” To which Taurus replies, “He probably sleeps with a boy scout manual under his pillow.” Cut to DW pulling a boy scout manual from behind his pillow to decipher the message.

After his defeat in the pilot, Taurus Bulba is rebuilt as a cyborg by F.O.W.L That's right, like RoboCop but evil!

A huge Thank You to SalmaRU, Hornstromp, Roaming Tigress , and Frothing Lizard! Click on their names to see more of their awesome artwork. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great article! I'm so glad you came to me about this :)
