Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Getting my Nintendocore on!

Its started rather innocently enough. I was struck with a sudden desire to hear Man or Astroman? Alas, none of my Astroman vinyl made the transition to digital and therefore, unlistenable to at work. I decided to risk it. I would try the Man or Astroman? Pandora station.

Pandora knows nothing about music. It sticks the Misfits on every punk station and Oasis on every grunge station. And mall punk on my beloved Hot Water Music station {Being a music snob is my punk rock birthright. As for the grunge, I got nostalgic for high school. Yep, I'm mega-lame}. So basically Pandora is five minutes of awesomeness with thirty minutes of thumbs down. With ads for reality television shows that makes me weep for this country.

But I had no choice; I need my space surf fix. And as I expected, it was a song or two by Man or Astroman? followed by mediocre old man surf rock. But there was a bright spot. Someone, one of Pandora’s algorithms played something that I had never heard before. Or more accurately, I had heard before but not this way. Pandora, by accident, introduced me to a band was unaware of and it was a GOOD thing.

The magic band that made me temporally stop bad mouthing Pandora was The Advantage. The Advantage {named after the joystick, which I had} was a rock group that did covers of old school Nintendo songs. I remember wasting too much of my life with those tunes. I downloaded the album immediately and had a blast. I’d be listening to them and add the special effects in my head. {Wee-eet. The sound when Mega Man jumps.} I was sad to hear the Advantage only released two albums and itunes only carried on. I don’t like it when people push their nostalgia down my throat so I won’ t push it down yours. If you spent a good chunk of your after-school time 
seeing how far you can take those 30 extra lives, 
you will enjoy this band. If not, no worries.

I decided to press my luck and listen to The Advantage’s Pandora station. Struck out there, crappy metal bands butchering the soundtrack of my childhood. Oh well, at least I found a new band.   

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