Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Top 5 Albums of 2012 From Bands That Start with M

Like everyone and their mother, I wanted to do a “Best Albums of 2012” list. When I sat down and looked at everything I got last year, I noticed that I bought a disproportionate amount of albums from bands that start with the letter “M.” I jumped for joy, because now I have a gimmick and will stand out from every music journalist with a blogger account by unveiling my

Top 5 Albums of 2012 from M Bands!!!

5. Masked Intruder Masked Intruder 
Silly, borderline-stalker-y, pop punk love songs from a band of anonymous punkers. Probably the most accurate representation of punk love, nerdy guy too scared to talk to girls and invents imaginary romances with them. Despite the somewhat sinister tone of the songs, they are infectiously bouncy and you will be singing the chorus to “Heart Shaped Guitar” out loud, even though the “hero” of that song is about to end up tased in the back of a squad car. All the songs have an Ergs feel to them. Guess that’s why Jaded Punk put Mikey Erg as one of their top suspects in their list of possible Intruders.

4. Mean Jeans On Mars
Another catchy as hell band, this one more Ramonesque. The Mean Jeans don’t do anything different from their previous work, but considering what they play, you don’t want them to. The perfect soundtrack for grilling and chilling.

3. The Mind Spiders Meltdown
Rocking a M in both the band name and the album name, the Mind Spiders also benefit from a singer that starts with an M (Mark) and a chunk of its members are also from a band that that stars with an M (the glorious Marked Men!!!). The Mind Spiders are both like and not like the Marked Men. They’re more organ-y but still awesome-y garage-y. The Mind Spiders RAWK.

2. The Manix Neighborhood Wildlife
The Manix play a style of punk that me and my homies call “Beard Rock.” A bunch songs about how life sucks so lets make tonight kick ass. My life sucks. This band makes it more tolerable.

1. Mixtapes Even on the Worst Nights
Mixtapes play inspiring pop punk. Like makes you want to quit your job and ride a bicycle all day and photocopy zines to leave in Anarchist bookstores and record shops kind of pop punk. When I play them at work, they turn my cubicle into a houseshow with cheap beers and good friends. I heart you, Mixtapes.

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