Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dinosaur of the Month: Ankylosaurus

I’m a huge dinosaur nerd. Ever since I was a kid, I found those things amazing. Just the sheer size and variety of them overwhelmed my little mind back then. And they still rock my little mind now. Hell, if they made dinosaur pjs in my size, I would rock them.

I drew this for Valentine's Day
Ankylosaurus, is actually the name of the genus, but since it only has once species, A.magniventris, it’s cool to call the dino Ankylosaurus. If you’re on really good terms with him, he will let you call him Ankly.

Ankylosaurus lived during the Cretaceous period, aka the Badass Period, when all the awesomest dinosaurs lived. Velociraptor, Triceratops and the King Boss Ninja Mofo T-Rex also lived during that time.

Ankylosaurus is famous for its armor and its club-like tail and that one nip slip during the Grammys.  It’s armor is made up of bony deposits called Osteoderms. It’s tail is made from fused vertebrae supported by interlocking tail vertebrae. It could be swung with great force and jack an hombre up. Some dipshit thought that the tail was not actively used for defense but instead used a decoy for the head. That guy (or guys) should be wedgied.

A complete Ankylosaurus has never been found and a lot of what we know has been extrapolated from other related dinosaurs. Still, the strange dino has captured the hearts of many, including the fine folks at Toho. They used the breast as imspiration for the heroic Anguirus in the 1955 movie, Godzilla Raids Again.

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